Sunday, September 20, 2020

Bulgarian essential rose oil

Rose oil (rose essence) is the essential oil that most often comes from the damask rose (Rosa damascena) plant, but it can also come from the cabbage rose (Rosa centifolia) plant. Rose Oil is produced through steam distillation of fresh roses that are picked in the early morning to help preserve their unique scent. The cultivation of this most precious essential oil requires hard work. Bulgarian essential rose oil is the best quality of Rose Oil. Kazanlak is a Bulgarian town in the Stara Zagora Province located at the bottom of the Balkan mountain. Bulgarian rose oil has been produced from the flower petals of the Rosa Damascena in Bulgarian Rose Valleys for more than three centuries. Bulgarian produces the best quality of Rose Oil due to its perfect soil and climate conditions.
It is also called queen of all oils, this oil is used on all skin types, including sensitive skin. It helps to promote beautiful, radiant skin, hydrate dry skin, clear acne, reduce signs of aging, reduce scars, and enable wrinkles free face. It also helps to relieve stress, improve sleep quality, alleviate anxiety, reduce menstrual cramps, boost libido etc. Traditionally, rose oil has been used for grief, nervous tension, coughs, wound healing and general skin health, allergies, headaches and as a general anti-inflammatory

Monday, September 14, 2020

std screening

Modes of STD Screenings at DTAP Singapore STDs / STIs can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, through sexual contact and through blood contact. Depending on conditions, your doctor may recommend a STD blood test, STD urine test or STD swab test.For STD swab tests, the test may be performed on the penis, vaginal, rectal area, throat area, or another infected areas. Preparation for STD Screenings URINE STD TEST – Please hold your urine for at the very least 2 hours before the urine STD test. VAGINAL SWAB – Please avoid vaginal STD swab during menstruation. ABNORMAL DISCHARGE – Please avoid cleaning off any abnormal discharge from the penis, vagina, throat, and/or anus. A swab sample will undoubtedly be collected. TEST RESULTS – Results of STD test and STD screening can take 3 – 7 working days. Results can be communicated via phone or email. Preserving patient confidentiality is of utmost priority. Therefore reports will NOT be snail mailed by post.
STD Treatment STD screening is essential in determining your STD status. Many STDs can be cured with the correct antibiotics. Others can be managed with medication. Knowing your status also enables you to take steps to guard your partner as the infection will be treated. Leaving contamination untreated can cause serious complications like infertility. What might be a aggravating factor is attempting to self treat with natural home remedies such as for example apple cider vinegar or over the counter antibiotics. Doctors often see patients who suffer serious complications like skin burns at home remedies. Taking antibiotics without proper medical advice also can cause the bacteria becoming resistant to the medicines thereby requiring stronger and more toxic medicines to treat. In more rare but serious cases, the bacteria becomes completely resistant and effectively incurable.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

anonymous hiv testing

Going For An Anonymous HIV Test Getting tested shouldn't be difficult, scary and most surely, shouldn't be embarrassing. Finding a HIV screening test done does not equate to at least one having done something exceptionally risky. Finding a HIV screening test rapidly is a vital part of your respective overall healthcare plan. It protects not merely usually the one being tested, but additionally those around him or her. Appointed anonymous HIV testing doctors in Singapore are professional and experienced. They're trained to aid in making you're feeling at ease and comfortable when undergoing a HIV screening test. Confidentiality Your name or some other type of personal information that can identify you will not be asked. Anybody irrespective of nationality or background could possibly get an anonymous HIV screening test at a licensed Anonymous HIV Testing clinic. ZERO records of one's visit will undoubtedly be kept. By the end of one's visit, you will have no trace of you having even visited the clinic. Even though your HIV screening test results return positive, your identity will remain a secret. Professionalism During HIV Screening Tests Appointed anonymous HIV testing doctors are consummate professionals trained in HIV medicine. You'll receive the absolute most up to date suggestions about your risks and which test(s) best suits your situation. At each visit, feel free to raise your concerns along with your doctor. He or she should respond most abundant in appropriate medical advice. An appointed Anonymous HIV Testing doctor will not give unnecessary inputs on lifestyle choices or some other issue that has nothing regarding the medical issue at hand.
Speed And Accuracy – Rapid HIV Test Results Are Almost Instantaneous Only diagnostic test kits approved by both the World Health Organisation as well as Singapore's Health Sciences Authority will undoubtedly be useful for each test. Your doctor will also advise you on the actual accuracy of the test based on your particular situation and window period. Typically at DTAP Singapore, test kits take no more than 20 minutes to show results. DTAP provides a discreet and private environment for patients to consult with either a man and female doctor, whichever is preferred. All tests for HIV are performed by doctors familiar with STD and HIV related infections. Contact DTAP today for more information on anonymous HIV testing services.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hair Loss Treatment Singapore

You is likely to be surprised by how common cases of self-misdiagnosis are, but there is another more serious problem; ‘un-diagnosis '. An inflammatory disease of the scalp that is not diagnosed promptly can often lead to more pressing issues. An excellent question to consider is whether you are experiencing other irritable symptoms related to your hair loss. Is there itching, reddish patches or pain on the scalp of your hair? These could possibly be signs that there is a greater problem underneath the simplicity of hair loss. Seborrheic dermatitis, scalp eczema and psoriasis When unusual symptoms can be found, it is essential to obtain the right diagnosis quickly by a qualified and accredited specialist doctor. Don't try to self medicate or self diagnose as any error in judgement could potentially lead to more serious problems and scarring. The outward symptoms could possibly be as a result of amount of causes such as seborrheic dermatitis, scalp eczema or psoriasis. They cause inflammations to the scalp and their symptoms have a tendency to overlap, so proper examination by a specialist doctor is required to get an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may evaluate your condition not just predicated on physical examinations, but also in your daily activities, family history, environment you are active in, people whom you've found myself in contact etc. Laboratory testing might be required or recommended in some circumstance for pin-pointing of the exact cause of symptoms.
Seborrheic dermatitis, a condition due to the yeast malessezia furfur, occurs each time a person experiences abnormally high production of oil on his / her scalp. In tropical settings such as Singapore, the situation could be produced worse by both the warmth and humidity. Malessezia by itself don't lead to disease of the scalp and subsequently hair loss. It is under high humidity that creates the situation to manifest into moderate to severe inflammation of the scalp. Flaking usually follows such inflammation. In more severe cases, that is where baldness occurs. If after trying anti-dandruff shampoos or other over the counter anti-dandruff treatments, it is essential to quickly seek the help of an accredited specialist doctor. An abnormally dry scalp could also lead to inflammation of the skin and subsequently hair loss. If a person has a household history of psoriasis, scalp psoriasis could also lead to flaking on the skin, exactly like dandruff. If you've come Hair Loss Treatment Singapore, the situation might be offered to you. Have your scalp examined by a qualified doctor promptly when you notice any unusual symptoms. Animals may harbor an application of fungal infection also called dermatophyte infections, which might be spread to humans. Such infections tend to be more common among small children and might be related to reddish, scaly skin and itchiness, patches with hair loss. Hair thinning, in general, might be related to a number of of the above mentioned factors. Doctors determine the exact cause or reasons for baldness by carefully examining the physical and laboratory aspects of each test. More in-dept microscopic examinations might be recommended with regards to the complexity and severity of every case. It is essential to speak together with your doctor to comprehend the procedures involved, both in determining the cause or to follow up with any potential treatment.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Halki Diabetes Remedy

Although the rise in the sedentary lifestyle has increased the rate that diabetes has overtaken the population, the disorder has been around for centuries. Some are convinced that it's a current disorder because of today's overconsumption of sugar. But, even though that some believe a natural diabetes remedy does not exist, considering that it's a condition that has been around for tens and thousands of years, it seems unlikely that there are no natural remedies that may treat this disorder. A number of these remedies are present in the proper execution of vitamin and mineral supplements. There are also many herbs that may lower your diabetic symptoms. Scientific research remains being done today to verify the advantages of these herbs on diabetes. Another extremely popular Halki Diabetes Remedy can be an herb called bitter melon. This tropical vegetable that is grown in Asia, Africa and South America is a huge natural diabetes solution for generations. Recently, it has been confirmed through scientific studies. According to some studies, the leaves of a blueberry bush can be used as an all natural remedy to combat diabetes. It has been useful for generations by herbalists because ingredient called anthocyanosides. This ingredient increases capillary integrity, slows free-radical damage and improves the overall health of the vascular system. It has been the strategic herbal diabetes remedy which specifically targets the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy in Europe for an extended time. A really superior natural diabetes remedy is ginkgo biloba. Among the better remedies for diabetes, it will help by alleviating symptoms like early-stage diabetic neuropathy. This herb is also used to boost and maintain a healthier memory. An herb that has been useful for centuries by the ancient Indian medicinal system of Ayurvedic and is another natural diabetes remedy is fenugreek. The evidence is recent clinical studies shows this remedy may decrease your blood glucose level while increasing the insulin sensitivity in your body. However, fenugreek should be taken in small amounts because side effect of causing excess gas. If you are considering natural remedies as part of your quality of life plan, then you should think about using gymnema sylvestra. Not many folks have heard of the remedy. But, this woody, climbing vine that is native to southern and central India has been useful for tens and thousands of years to help alleviate diabetes. Even its name means destroyer of sugar. In fact, it is the extract of the plant's leaves that are the utmost effective part of the plant. There are many Halki Diabetes Remedy available today. With the right level of exercise, a healthier diet these remedies can benefit you. Remember to always consult your quality of life care provider when you begin using any supplement. Just since they are natural does signify they work the exact same way for everyone. When not taking properly, some natural supplements may have adverse interactions in a reaction to the medications you may already be taking. Plus, never discontinue the medications you're taking without consulting along with your medical care provider.

Monday, April 25, 2016

What the Amish Can Teach You About Health Cares

With the shouting going on about America's healthcare crisis, many are probably finding it difficult to concentrate, not as understand the explanation for the issues confronting us. I find myself dismayed at the tone of the discussion (though I realize it---people are scared) along with bemused that anyone would presume themselves sufficiently qualified to understand how to best improve our healthcare system mainly because they've encountered it, when people who've spent entire careers studying it (and I don't mean politicians) aren't sure what direction to go themselves.
Albert Einstein is reputed to own said that when he had an hour or so to save lots of the planet he'd spend 55 minutes defining the situation and only 5 minutes solving it. Our healthcare system is far more complex than most who are offering solutions admit or recognize, and unless we focus nearly all of our efforts on defining its problems and thoroughly understanding their causes, any changes we make are simply likely to create them worse since they are better.

Though I've worked in the American healthcare system as a physician since 1992 and have seven year's worth of experience as an administrative director of primary care, I don't consider myself qualified to thoroughly evaluate the viability of most of the suggestions I've heard for improving our healthcare system. I actually do think, however, I will at the very least donate to the discussion by describing some of its troubles, taking reasonable guesses at their causes, and outlining some general principles that needs to be applied in attempting to solve them.
No one disputes that healthcare spending in the U.S. has been rising dramatically. In line with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), healthcare spending is projected to attain $8,160 per person annually by the conclusion of 2009 set alongside the $356 per person annually it was in 1970. This increase occurred roughly 2.4% faster compared to increase in GDP over the exact same period. Though GDP varies from year-to-year and is therefore an imperfect method to assess a rise in healthcare costs when compared with other expenditures from one year to another location, we can still conclude from this data that over the last 40 years the percentage of our national income (personal, business, and governmental) we've allocated to healthcare has been rising.
Despite what most assume, this may or may not be bad. It all hangs on a few things: the reasons why spending on healthcare has been increasing relative to our GDP and just how much value we've been getting for every single dollar we spend.
This is a harder question to answer than many would believe. The rise in the cost of healthcare (on average 8.1% annually from 1970 to 2009, calculated from the info above) has exceeded the rise in inflation (4.4% an average of over that same period), so we can't attribute the increased cost to inflation alone. Medical care expenditures are regarded as closely of a country's GDP (the wealthier the nation, the more it spends on health care), yet even in this the United States remains an outlier (figure 3).
Can it be as a result of spending on healthcare for individuals over age 75 (five times what we spend on people between the ages of 25 and 34)? In a phrase, no. Studies show this demographic trend explains only a small percentage of health expenditure growth.
Can it be as a result of monstrous profits the health insurance companies are raking in? Probably not. It's admittedly difficult to learn for several as not absolutely all insurance companies are publicly traded and therefore have balance sheets readily available for public review. But Aetna, among the largest publicly traded medical insurance companies in North America, reported a 2009 second quarter profit of $346.7 million, which, if projected out, predicts an annual profit of around $1.3 billion from the approximately 19 million people they insure. When we assume their profit margin is average for his or her industry (even if untrue, it's unlikely to be orders of magnitude different from the average), the total profit for several private medical insurance companies in America, which insured 202 million people (2nd bullet point) in 2007, would come to approximately $13 billion per year. Total healthcare expenditures in 2007 were $2.2 trillion (see Table 1, page 3), which yields a personal healthcare industry profit approximately 0.6% of total healthcare costs (though this analysis mixes data from different years, it could perhaps be permitted since the numbers aren't likely different by any order of magnitude).
Can it be as a result of healthcare fraud? Estimates of losses as a result of fraud range as high as 10% of most healthcare expenditures, but it's difficult to find hard data to back this up. Although some percentage of fraud most likely goes undetected, perhaps the simplest way to estimate how much money is lost as a result of fraud is by taking a look at just how much the government actually recovers. In 2006, this is $2.2 billion, only 0.1% of $2.1 trillion (see Table 1, page 3) as a whole healthcare expenditures for that year.
Can it be as a result of pharmaceutical costs? In 2006, total expenditures on prescription drugs was approximately $216 billion (see Table 2, page 4). Though this amounted to 10% of the $2.1 trillion (see Table 1, page 3) as a whole healthcare expenditures for that year and must therefore be looked at significant, it still remains only a small percentage of total healthcare costs.
Can it be from administrative costs? In 1999, total administrative costs were estimated to be $294 billion, the full 25% of the $1.2 trillion (Table 1) as a whole healthcare expenditures that year. This is a substantial percentage in 1999 and it's hard to assume it's shrunk to any significant degree since then.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

How Did How to Health Cares Become the Best? Find Out.

First, let's get a little historical perspective on American health care. To do that, let's turn to the American civil war era. In that war, dated tactics and the carnage inflicted by modern weapons of the era combined to cause terrible results. The majority of the deaths on both sides of this war were not the result of actual combat but to what happened following a battlefield wound was inflicted. To begin with, evacuation of the wounded moved at a snail's pace in most instances causing severe delays in treatment of the wounded. Secondly, most wounds were subjected to wound related surgeries and amputations and this often led to massive infection. So you might survive a struggle wound only to die at the hands of medical care providers whose good intentioned interventions were often quite lethal. High death tolls can be ascribed to everyday sicknesses and diseases in an occasion when no antibiotics existed. Altogether something such as 600,000 deaths occurred from all causes, over 2% of the U.S. population during the time!

Let's skip to the first half the 20th century for many additional perspective and to create us around more contemporary times. After the civil war there were steady improvements in American medicine in the understanding and treatment of certain diseases, new surgical techniques and in physician education and training. But also for the absolute most part the best that doctors could offer their patients was a "wait and see" approach. Medicine could handle bone fractures and perform risky surgeries and the like (now increasingly practiced in sterile surgical environments) but medicines were not yet available to deal with serious illnesses. Many deaths remained the result of untreatable conditions such as for instance tuberculosis, pneumonia, scarlet fever and measles and/or related complications. Doctors were increasingly conscious of heart and vascular conditions, and cancer but they had next to nothing with which to take care of these conditions.

This very basic knowledge of American medical history helps us to understand that until quite recently (around the 1950's) we had almost no technologies with which to take care of serious or even minor ailments. Nothing to take care of you with ensures that visits to the doctor whenever were relegated to emergencies so because scenario costs were obviously minuscule. Another factor that has changed into a key driver of today's healthcare costs is that medical treatments that have been provided were paid for out-of-pocket. There is no medical insurance and certainly not medical insurance paid by somebody else as an employer. Costs were the responsibility of the in-patient and perhaps a few charities that among other activities supported charity hospitals for the poor and destitute.

What does healthcare insurance have regarding healthcare costs? Its effect on healthcare costs is enormous. When medical insurance for individuals and families emerged as a means for corporations to escape wage freezes and to attract and retain employees after World War II, almost overnight there is a good pool of money readily available for health care. Money, as a result of the accessibility to billions of dollars from medical insurance pools, encouraged an innovative America to increase medical research efforts. As more and more Americans became insured not just through private, employer sponsored medical insurance but through increased government funding that created Medicare, Medicaid and expanded veteran healthcare benefits, finding a cure for just about anything is becoming very lucrative. This really is also the principal reason for the vast variety of treatments we have available today. I do not wish to convey that this can be a bad thing. Think of the tens of countless lives which were saved, extended and made more productive as a result. But with a funding source grown to its current magnitude (hundreds of billions of dollars annually) upward pressure on healthcare costs are inevitable. Doctor's offer and the majority of us demand and get access to the most recent available healthcare technology, pharmaceuticals and surgical interventions. So there is more healthcare to pay our money on and until very recently the majority of us were insured and the expense were largely included in a third-party (government, employers). This is actually the "perfect storm" for higher and higher healthcare costs and by and large, the storm is intensifying.

At this point, let's turn to an integral question. Is the current trajectory of U.S. healthcare spending sustainable? Can America maintain its world competitiveness when 16%, heading for 20% of our gross national product is being allocated to healthcare? What're the other industrialized countries spending on healthcare and could it be even near to these numbers? Add politics and an election year and the complete issue gets badly muddled and misrepresented.